Thanks to those of you that came to the meeting tonight. Here's a recap of what we talked about.
Officer Positions Available
- Fundraising board will consist of 2 (?) members to rise money for activities during the year
- So far Chelsea Germano is one of these members
- Venues for publicity this semester can include the Dec and the Cav Daily
- Saana will send out the Guluwalk information and logo so we can start to flyer and chalk soon
Sources of Money
- Appropriations for UNICEF
- OAA and AAS (academic organizations that give money to groups)
- Saturday October 25th 2pm
- Tabling October 20th - 24th
- This is during family weekend so we will have to compete with the family activities, but it could help us in donations
Water Droplets
- Tabling October 27th - November 1st
Draft Letters
- Ashi will send out a draft letter sometime this week to take to businesses asking for money/goods for Guluwalk
- Elizabeth Tilton (Saana will contact her) can donate food
- Go to any businesses at home if you happen to be home one weekend
- 5 areas: Corner (Molly and Chelsea), Barracks (Rashmita and Mehak), Downtown (Ashi and Kim), Target/Whole Foods (Rachel), our own homes
- Remember it's tax-deductible!
- We still need to find speakers - ask Invisible Children and Building for Tomorrow
- We're also looking for music groups to perform
- The Invisible Children might be coming through this area soon with the Lost Boys
Next Week's General Body Meeting
- Tuesday September 23rd 8pm Minor 130
- This will be an educational meeting
- We'll talk about Guluwalk, publicity for this semester, and the Nicaraguan Orphan Fund
Service Festival
- We're continuing to brainstorm ideas for a booth, but let us know if you have any
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